Pedestrian accidents
I provide expert witness evidence of pedestrian involved events.
I have investigated numerous Pedestrian involved fatal and injury events involving vehicles in urban and rural settings.
A number of those cases have involved single and multiple dark clad pedestrians on unlit highways at night.
The Factors effecting a driver’s identification and ability to avoid a pedestrian hazard at night are:
- Contrast of the pedestrian to the surrounding background
- Anticipation of driver that pedestrians may be in the area
- Pattern - clothing pattern outlining the object as a person
- Lighting levels
- Eccentricity of where the pedestrian is relative to where the drivers focus is at the time
- Time of exposure - how much time is available to the driver to make the identification and react
- Size of hazard
If you need to know explore a driver’s/rider’s opportunity to avoid a pedestrian/s and the factors involved then contact me.